| |
- dbus.service.Object(dbus.service.Interface)
- CairoPangoBoard
- gtk.Dialog(gtk.Window)
- EntryDialog
- gtk.DrawingArea(gtk.Widget)
- DrowingBoard
class CairoPangoBoard(dbus.service.Object) |
# Dbus object |
- Method resolution order:
- CairoPangoBoard
- dbus.service.Object
- dbus.service.Interface
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, bus_name, board, object_path='/org/hpython/CairoPangoBoard')
- about_dialog(self)
- Pop out an about 'Dbus drawing board' dialog
- add(self, command)
- Add a raw cairo command to the drawing board command list
the cairo context object name is 'cr'
see cairo documentation for more help:
example command:
'cr.line_to(10, 20)'
- arc(self, x, y, r, a1=0, a2=6.2831853071795862)
- Draw an arc with center point (x,y),
radius (radius) that starts at angle a1 and ends at angle a2
(measured in radians).
- backward(self, d)
- Draw a line backward distance d
- clear(self, x_start=-100.0, x_end=100, y_start=-100, y_end=100, line_width=1, r=1.0, g=1.0, b=0.90000000000000002)
- Clear the drawing board command list and draw a colored backround
The x axis starts at x_start at leftmost point of drawing baord
and ends at x_end at the rightmost point
The y axis starts at y_start at leftmost point of drawing baord
and ends at y_end at the rightmost point
line_width sets the width of lines
r, g, b sets the color to the backround
r the red color value from 0 to 1.
g the green color value from 0 to 1.
b the blue color value from 0 to 1.
Turtle point is set to 0,0 and turtle dirction to 0 rad.
- dialog_destroy(self, dialog, arg)
- dump(self, filename)
- Dump all the commands in the drawing board command list
to file 'filename'
- fill_clear(self)
- Set the color of shapes to clear
shaped drawen from this point on will not be filled
- fill_color(self, r, g, b, a=1.0)
- Set the color of shapes
Shapes drawen from this point on will be filled by this color
r, g, b sets the color to the backround
r the red color value from 0 to 1.
g the green color value from 0 to 1.
b the blue color value from 0 to 1.
a the alfa chanell value from 0 to 1.
- font_family(self, family)
- Set the font family of texts
Texts drawen from this point on will use this font family
font_family example:
'David CLM'
- font_size(self, size)
- Set the font size of texts
Texts drawen from this point on will use this font size
- font_weight(self, weight)
- Set the font weight of texts
Texts drawen from this point on will use this font weight
Font weight can be normal or bold
- forward(self, d)
- Draw a line forward distance d
- input_dialog(self, text='', default_text='', modal=True)
- Pop out an input dialog with message 'text' and
default text 'default_text'
- left(self, angle)
- Turn left angle units (measured in radians).
- line_color(self, r, g, b, a=1.0)
- Set the color of lines
Lines drawen from this point on will use this color
r, g, b sets the color to the backround
r the red color value from 0 to 1.
g the green color value from 0 to 1.
b the blue color value from 0 to 1.
a the alfa chanell value from 0 to 1.
- line_to(self, x, y)
- Draw a line to point x, y
- line_width(self, width)
- Set the width of lines
Lines drawen from this point on will use this width
- message_dialog(self, text='', type='question', modal=True)
- Pop out a message dialog with text 'text' and type.
type can be: 'info', 'warning', 'question', 'error'
- move_backward(self, d)
- Move backward distance d
- move_forward(self, d)
- Move forward distance d
- move_to(self, x, y)
- Move to point x, y
- rectangle(self, x, y, width, height, radius=0)
- Draw a retangle with leftmost upmost point (x,y),
width, height are (width, height) and radius of is corners (radius)
- right(self, angle)
- Turn right ft angle units (measured in radians).
- save_png(self, file_name)
- Save the current viewport to a picture file 'file_name'.png
- save_svg(self, file_name)
- Save the current viewport to a picture file 'file_name'.svg
When using the svg file format texts will not be saved
- scale(self, x_start, x_end, y_start, y_end, rotation=0)
- ReScale the drawing board
Commands from this point on will use the new axis system set
by this instracion
The x axis starts at x_start at leftmost point of drawing baord
and ends at x_end at the rightmost point
The y axis starts at y_start at leftmost point of drawing baord
and ends at y_end at the rightmost point
The drawing board rotation is set by rotation (measured in radians).
- server_name(self)
- Return server name
- text(self, string, text_width=0, radius=0)
- Draw a text at the current position,
current position will move to next line after drawing.
text_width: minimum width of text.
radius: radius of corners for the decoration rectangle
drawen around text.
if radius is 0 no decoration will be drawen.
- text_color(self, r, g, b, a=1.0)
- Set the color of texts
Texts drawen from this point on will use this color
r, g, b sets the color to the backround
r the red color value from 0 to 1.
g the green color value from 0 to 1.
b the blue color value from 0 to 1.
a the alfa chanell value from 0 to 1.
- version(self)
- Return server version
Methods inherited from dbus.service.Object:
- Introspect(self)
- __repr__(self)
- __str__ = __repr__(self)
Data and other attributes inherited from dbus.service.Interface:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __metaclass__ = <class 'dbus.service.InterfaceType'>
- __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Interface' objects>
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class DrowingBoard(gtk.DrawingArea) |
# Drawing window |
- Method resolution order:
- DrowingBoard
- gtk.DrawingArea
- gtk.Widget
- gtk.Object
- gobject.GObject
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self)
- add_rectangle_path(self, x, y, width, height, radius)
- draw(self, cr)
- expose(self, widget, event)
Methods inherited from gtk.DrawingArea:
- size(...)
Data and other attributes inherited from gtk.DrawingArea:
- __gtype__ = <GType GtkDrawingArea (136642904)>
Methods inherited from gtk.Widget:
- activate(...)
- add_accelerator(...)
- add_events(...)
- add_mnemonic_label(...)
- can_activate_accel(...)
- child_focus(...)
- child_notify(...)
- class_path(...)
- create_pango_context(...)
- create_pango_layout(...)
- destroy(...)
- drag_begin(...)
- drag_check_threshold(...)
- drag_dest_add_image_targets(...)
- drag_dest_add_text_targets(...)
- drag_dest_add_uri_targets(...)
- drag_dest_find_target(...)
- drag_dest_get_target_list(...)
- drag_dest_set(...)
- drag_dest_set_proxy(...)
- drag_dest_set_target_list(...)
- drag_dest_unset(...)
- drag_get_data(...)
- drag_highlight(...)
- drag_source_add_text_targets(...)
- drag_source_get_target_list(...)
- drag_source_set(...)
- drag_source_set_icon(...)
- drag_source_set_icon_pixbuf(...)
- drag_source_set_icon_stock(...)
- drag_source_set_target_list(...)
- drag_source_unset(...)
- drag_unhighlight(...)
- ensure_style(...)
- event(...)
- freeze_child_notify(...)
- get_accessible(...)
- get_allocation(...)
- get_ancestor(...)
- get_child_requisition(...)
- get_child_visible(...)
- get_clipboard(...)
- get_colormap(...)
- get_composite_name(...)
- get_direction(...)
- get_display(...)
- get_events(...)
- get_extension_events(...)
- get_modifier_style(...)
- get_name(...)
- get_no_show_all(...)
- get_pango_context(...)
- get_parent(...)
- get_parent_window(...)
- get_pointer(...)
- get_root_window(...)
- get_screen(...)
- get_settings(...)
- get_size_request(...)
- get_style(...)
- get_toplevel(...)
- get_visual(...)
- grab_add(...)
- grab_default(...)
- grab_focus(...)
- grab_remove(...)
- has_screen(...)
- hide(...)
- hide_all(...)
- hide_on_delete(...)
- intersect(...)
- is_ancestor(...)
- is_focus(...)
- list_mnemonic_labels(...)
- map(...)
- menu_get_for_attach_widget(...)
- mnemonic_activate(...)
- modify_base(...)
- modify_bg(...)
- modify_fg(...)
- modify_font(...)
- modify_style(...)
- modify_text(...)
- path(...)
- queue_clear(...)
- queue_clear_area(...)
- queue_draw(...)
- queue_draw_area(...)
- queue_resize(...)
- queue_resize_no_redraw(...)
- rc_get_style(...)
- realize(...)
- remove_accelerator(...)
- remove_mnemonic_label(...)
- render_icon(...)
- reparent(...)
- reset_rc_styles(...)
- reset_shapes(...)
- selection_add_target(...)
- selection_add_targets(...)
- selection_clear_targets(...)
- selection_convert(...)
- selection_owner_set(...)
- selection_remove_all(...)
- send_expose(...)
- set_accel_path(...)
- set_app_paintable(...)
- set_child_visible(...)
- set_colormap(...)
- set_composite_name(...)
- set_direction(...)
- set_double_buffered(...)
- set_events(...)
- set_extension_events(...)
- set_name(...)
- set_no_show_all(...)
- set_parent(...)
- set_parent_window(...)
- set_redraw_on_allocate(...)
- set_scroll_adjustments(...)
- set_sensitive(...)
- set_size_request(...)
- set_state(...)
- set_style(...)
- set_uposition(...)
- set_usize(...)
- shape_combine_mask(...)
- show(...)
- show_all(...)
- show_now(...)
- size_allocate(...)
- size_request(...)
- style_get_property(...)
- thaw_child_notify(...)
- translate_coordinates(...)
- unmap(...)
- unparent(...)
- unrealize(...)
Data and other attributes inherited from gtk.Widget:
- allocation = <attribute 'allocation' of 'gtk.Widget' objects>
- do_button_press_event = <built-in method do_button_press_event of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_button_release_event = <built-in method do_button_release_event of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_can_activate_accel = <built-in method do_can_activate_accel of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_client_event = <built-in method do_client_event of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_configure_event = <built-in method do_configure_event of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_delete_event = <built-in method do_delete_event of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_destroy_event = <built-in method do_destroy_event of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_direction_changed = <built-in method do_direction_changed of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_drag_begin = <built-in method do_drag_begin of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_drag_data_delete = <built-in method do_drag_data_delete of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_drag_data_get = <built-in method do_drag_data_get of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_drag_data_received = <built-in method do_drag_data_received of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_drag_drop = <built-in method do_drag_drop of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_drag_end = <built-in method do_drag_end of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_drag_leave = <built-in method do_drag_leave of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_drag_motion = <built-in method do_drag_motion of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_enter_notify_event = <built-in method do_enter_notify_event of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_event = <built-in method do_event of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_expose_event = <built-in method do_expose_event of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_focus = <built-in method do_focus of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_focus_in_event = <built-in method do_focus_in_event of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_focus_out_event = <built-in method do_focus_out_event of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_grab_focus = <built-in method do_grab_focus of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_grab_notify = <built-in method do_grab_notify of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_hide = <built-in method do_hide of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_hide_all = <built-in method do_hide_all of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_hierarchy_changed = <built-in method do_hierarchy_changed of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_key_press_event = <built-in method do_key_press_event of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_key_release_event = <built-in method do_key_release_event of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_leave_notify_event = <built-in method do_leave_notify_event of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_map = <built-in method do_map of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_map_event = <built-in method do_map_event of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_mnemonic_activate = <built-in method do_mnemonic_activate of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_motion_notify_event = <built-in method do_motion_notify_event of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_no_expose_event = <built-in method do_no_expose_event of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_parent_set = <built-in method do_parent_set of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_popup_menu = <built-in method do_popup_menu of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_property_notify_event = <built-in method do_property_notify_event of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_proximity_in_event = <built-in method do_proximity_in_event of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_proximity_out_event = <built-in method do_proximity_out_event of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_realize = <built-in method do_realize of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_screen_changed = <built-in method do_screen_changed of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_scroll_event = <built-in method do_scroll_event of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_selection_clear_event = <built-in method do_selection_clear_event of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_selection_get = <built-in method do_selection_get of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_selection_notify_event = <built-in method do_selection_notify_event of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_selection_received = <built-in method do_selection_received of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_selection_request_event = <built-in method do_selection_request_event of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_show = <built-in method do_show of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_show_all = <built-in method do_show_all of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_show_help = <built-in method do_show_help of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_size_allocate = <built-in method do_size_allocate of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_size_request = <built-in method do_size_request of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_state_changed = <built-in method do_state_changed of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_style_set = <built-in method do_style_set of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_unmap = <built-in method do_unmap of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_unmap_event = <built-in method do_unmap_event of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_unrealize = <built-in method do_unrealize of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_visibility_notify_event = <built-in method do_visibility_notify_event of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- do_window_state_event = <built-in method do_window_state_event of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- name = <attribute 'name' of 'gtk.Widget' objects>
- parent = <attribute 'parent' of 'gtk.Widget' objects>
- saved_state = <attribute 'saved_state' of 'gtk.Widget' objects>
- set_activate_signal = <built-in method set_activate_signal of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- set_set_scroll_adjustments_signal = <built-in method set_set_scroll_adjustments_signal of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- state = <attribute 'state' of 'gtk.Widget' objects>
- style = <attribute 'style' of 'gtk.Widget' objects>
- window = <attribute 'window' of 'gtk.Widget' objects>
Methods inherited from gtk.Object:
- flags(...)
- set_flags(...)
- unset_flags(...)
Data and other attributes inherited from gtk.Object:
- do_destroy = <built-in method do_destroy of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
Methods inherited from gobject.GObject:
- __cmp__(...)
- x.__cmp__(y) <==> cmp(x,y)
- __gobject_init__(...)
- __hash__(...)
- x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
- __repr__(...)
- x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)
- chain(...)
- connect(...)
- connect_after(...)
- connect_object(...)
- connect_object_after(...)
- disconnect(...)
- emit(...)
- emit_stop_by_name(...)
- freeze_notify(...)
- get_data(...)
- get_property(...)
- handler_block(...)
- handler_disconnect(...)
- handler_is_connected(...)
- handler_unblock(...)
- notify(...)
- set_data(...)
- set_property(...)
- stop_emission(...)
- thaw_notify(...)
Data and other attributes inherited from gobject.GObject:
- __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
- __gdoc__ = 'Object GtkDrawingArea\n\nSignals from GObject:\n n...widget_show_all() should not affect this widget\n\n'
- __grefcount__ = <attribute '__grefcount__' of 'gobject.GObject' objects>
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of gobject.GObjectMeta object>
- T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- props = <gobject.GProps object>